Change The World For Less Than A $0.50 Per Day

We are excited and encouraged you want to join the ICN ministry as a Member! Join with us today and let's do God's work together create, enjoy, and participate in the following:

  • Connect with the international Christ-follower community.

  • Access to a growing directory of ministry resources for all His people and for all seasons of life.

  • Directed financial support to ministries and their projects.

  • Access to a growing directory of Biblical worldview Christian schools.

  • Help create and have access to scholarships for ICN members to obtain biblical worldview Christian education.

  • Support and promote the biblical worldview Christian education arena.

  • Enjoy an outstanding discounted products, services, and perks program, with monthly giveaways, and more.

  • Strategic ICN partnership resources for members.

  • Spotlight stories of modern-day "Heroes of the faith" demonstrating strength, courage-building, grace, mercy, forgiveness, faith, hope, and love impacting lives today - with good news!

  • Where the Holy Spirit of the living God of Heaven produces His fruit in and through the lives of His people: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - against such things there is no law.

  • Participate in resources to becoming a more active, deeper, and mature Christ-follower and leader.

  • Be a member investing in the building out of an online technology platform ministry with a Christ-follower focus - dedicated to serving Christ, the causes that matter most to Him, and His people - YOU!

  • And so much more . . .

ICN Member Levels & Pricing

ICN Classic

Monthly: $15

Annual Prepay: $150

  • Unlimited Access to Benefits Above

  • Christ-follower Connection

  • Access to Ministry Partners

  • Support Ministry Projects

  • Access to Biblical Christian Ed Network

  • Access to Scholarships

  • Access to Discounted Offers from Strategic Partners

  • Unlimited Access to 20K+ Biblically -Based Video Library

  • Desktop & Mobile App

  • All Kids Episodes

  • Conferences & Events Sessions

  • Leadership & Family Training

  • Biblical Discipleship

  • Local & National Discount & Perk Program

  • Desktop & Mobile App

  • Travel & Lodging

  • Theme Parks, Attractions & Tours, Ski Resorts

  • Pharmacies

  • Florists

  • Movie Tickets

  • Concerts & Live Events

  • Restaurants

  • Wellness & Fitness

  • Brand Name Retailers

  • Auto Care

  • And more . . .

  • Access to ICN's Private Facebook Group

  • Much more coming!!

ICN Founding Council

Monthly: $15

Annual Prepay: $150

  • Requirement: 2 Year Commitment

  • Every Benefit of the Classic Member, Plus . . .

  • Participate with ICN Consortium Planning

  • Receive ICN/Consortium Newsletters

  • Participate in ICN Surveys

  • Access to Periodic ICN & Consortium Webinars

ICN Lifetime

One-Time Payment: $5,000

  • Every Benefit of the Founding Consortium Member, Plus . . .

  • Access to ICN Executive Briefings

  • Invitations to Exclusive Events

  • Early Communications to Select Upcoming Promotions

  • New Partner Offer Early Sneak Peeks

Joining ICN is Easy!

To Pay By Credit/Debit Card

Simply fill out the order form below. After you sign-up, you'll be directed to a page where you can create your Member Profile and choose the ministry you'd like to support.

By completing this form to join ICN, you confess that you are a Christ-follower, and you are in agreement with the following:

No products available

To Pay By Check

Make your check payable to International Christian Network (or ICN) for the amount of the ICN Member level you wish to choose (see above).

By sending your check to join ICN, you confess that you are a Christ-follower, and you are in agreement with the following:

ICN's mailing address is:

International Christian Network

459 Main Street

Suite 355

Trussville, AL 35173

“So then, while we have opportunity, let's do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Galatians 6:10

Text 2 Give: Send GIVE2ICN to (636) 306-4746



The vision of ICN is to unite Christ-Followers in a premier online community, fostering intentional living and Biblical maturity.


The mission of ICN is to engage, unite, and serve the global body of Jesus Christ as a hub of resources for Biblical connection and maturity.

© 2024 International Christian Network. All Rights Reserved