ICN Partners & Members, Non-Partners & Non-Members

For Job-Seekers and Employers: ICN's Job Board connects employers with jobseekers, featuring over 1,000 leading positions across the United States. These opportunities, offered by both Christian and secular organizations, are designed to align with Christian values and offer exciting career adventures.

Benefits for the ICN Community:

  1. Free access for all ICN Members & Partners.

  2. Open to non-members and non-partner employers and jobseekers.

  3. Regularly updated with new partners and positions.

The Lord has a plan for the lives of His people, and He has called ICN to join in helping provide work for His people and others alike.


ICN Supports Ministry & Funds Scholarships

Supporting Ministry & Education: A portion of any revenue generated from the ICN Job Board is dedicated to advancing God's Kingdom:

1. 10% to support approved ministry projects.

2. 10% to fund scholarships for biblical worldview education for ICN members.

$1,000 ICN Revenue/Mo = $200 Ministry & Scholarship Support!

Start Your ICN Membership

“So then, while we have opportunity, let's do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Galatians 6:10

Text 2 Give: Send GIVE2ICN to (636) 306-4746



The vision of ICN is to unite Christ-Followers in a premier online community, fostering intentional living and Biblical maturity.


The mission of ICN is to engage, unite, and serve the global body of Jesus Christ as a hub of resources for Biblical connection and maturity.

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